GRADE Once a writing assignment is complete - editing begins with a Legi-Label being applied to the sample.  The provided rubric is the used to score the sample - accurately withe the Legi-Rule. CALCULATE Data is easily entered from the Legi-Label into the matching fields on the HAMS Handwriting Calculator.  Sample is instantly scored - with percentage for each section. RECORD Scores are then easily transferred onto the self-graphing Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System (HAMS) Recording Form.
Poster Session AOTA Conference Salt Lake City, April 2018
Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System ANALYZE The information on the recording form allows uou to determine what factors are contributing to illegible writing and what areas need targeted.  You can also see at a glance whether initiated strategies are effective or when it is time to try another approach.  Information becomes much more useful when the traditional subjective natiue of assessment is removed. REMEDIATE Remediation begins the second you involve your students or clients in objectively looking at their work to complete the Legi-Label - and it doesn’t end there - Legi-Cue reminder stickers are available for all the times that you cannot be there to remind them to use their pencil  grip, recheck their descender letter placement or simply to place on a selected paper that you want the student to review. SUCCEED! Handwriting Success! Quicker Results! Students/Clients are involved in the scoring process throughout which gives them immediate feedback and ownership of their improvements providing pride that you can see as they look up from a paper that they are excited to share.
The HAMS™ Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System is a comprehensive system that contains six components which work seamlessly together to help you achieve amazing improvements in the accuracy of students’ handwriting no matter which writing program/style is used. The HAMS™ provides accuracy percentages in the areas of capitalization, spacing, alignment, and formation allowing consistent monitoring of progress toward handwriting goals. This is an interim data collection tool – not intended to replace normed handwriting assessments. The HAMS™ is designed to quickly assess and retrieve usable data from any handwriting sample consisting of at least two sentences. It differs from a traditional assessment in its ability to be used for progress monitoring on a regular basis. Single words and/or sentences are also able to be scored for capitalization, spacing, alignment, and formation - but an overall accuracy score would not be calculated for samples not containing at least two (2) sentences. The components of the HAMS™ Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System include the following: HAMS™ Rubric Legi-Rule (2 are included with purchase) Legi-Label (self-printed as needed from master copy in the user manual) HAMS™ Handwriting Calculator™* link for online use HAMS™ Rubric Recording Form Legi-Cue™ Reminder Labels (self-printed as needed from master copy in the user manual)
The HAMS™ utilizes the Legi-Rule™ to bring consistency and ease to the scoring of alignment - with guidelines specific to papers with different line heights. The system incorporates the use of the Legi-Label™, a scoring sticker that is applied to the sample. Once the count for total possible numbers and errors are entered onto the label, percentage correct for each section along with the Overall Accuracy score is calculated using the HAMS™ Handwriting Calculator. Totals obtained from the calculator screen are then transferred to the Legi-Label™ or directly to the HAMS™ Rubric Recording Form. The HAMS™ Handwriting Calculator also allows one to obtain rate of a writing sample without time-consuming manual calculation. Enter time in minutes and seconds then enter number of letters and/or actual words written to instantly obtain writing rate. Typing speed can be measured with the use of the calculator as well. The AMS™ Handwriting Calculator is availble online using login provided with purchase. The HAMS™ Rubric Recording Form is a convenient way to monitor progress and guide instruction. At a glance one can have objective data on every writing sample and can use the information to note trends like never before possible. For example, one can easily identify trends present when comparing the difference between copied versus self-generated work, the alignment percentage achieved on a variety of paper types, or the spacing of a sample when copying from the board versus copying from a book. Legi-Cue™ Reminder Labels are an important link to teacher and student support within the classroom. They are adhesive stickers that have been designed to provide visual support to address14 common needs. The labels are conveniently printed onto standard address labels then used to reinforce concepts on a daily basis. Students of all ages can, and should, be taught to assist with the scoring of their work. Children as young as first grade can become quite accurate at recognizing errors and this involvement, in turn, improves their performance by increasing their knowledge of the components necessary for legible handwriting. The HAMS™ Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System - a comprehensive approach to improving handwriting - it’s simple.
Handwriting Calculator
Log In provided with purchase
Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System
The HAMS™ Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System is a comprehensive system that contains six components which work seamlessly together to help you achieve amazing improvements in the accuracy of students’ handwriting no matter which writing program/style is used. The HAMS™ provides accuracy percentages in the areas of capitalization, spacing, alignment, and formation allowing consistent monitoring of progress toward handwriting goals. This is an interim data collection tool – not intended to replace normed handwriting assessments.
The HAMS™ is designed to quickly assess and retrieve usable data from any handwriting sample consisting of at least two sentences. It differs from a traditional assessment in its ability to be used for progress monitoring on a regular basis. Single words and/or sentences are also able to be scored for capitalization, spacing, alignment, and formation but an overall accuracy score would not be calculated for samples not containing at least two (2) sentences.
he components of the HAMS™ Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System include the following: HAMS™ Rubric Legi-Rule (2 are included with purchase) Legi-Label (self-printed as needed from master copy in the user manual) HAMS™ Handwriting Calculator™* (The HAMS™ Handwriting Calculator is availble online using login provided with purchase. HAMS™ Rubric Recording Form Legi-Cue™ Reminder Labels (self-printed as needed from master copy in the user manual)
RECORD Scores are then easily transferred onto the self-graphing Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System (HAMS) Recording Form. CALCULATE Data is easily entered from the Legi-Label into the matching fields on the HAMS Handwriting Calculator.  Sample is instantly scored - with percentage for each section. GRADE Once a writing assignment is complete - editing begins with a Legi-Label being applied to the sample.  The provided rubric is the used to score the sample - accurately withe the Legi-Rule. ANALYZE The information on the recording form allows uou to determine what factors are contributing to illegible writing and what areas need targeted.  You can also see at a glance whether initiated strategies are effective or when it is time to try another approach.  Information becomes much more useful when the traditional subjective natiue of assessment is removed. REMEDIATE Remediation begins the second you involve your students or clients in objectively looking at their work to complete the Legi-Label - and it doesn’t end there - Legi-Cue reminder stickers are available for all the times that you cannot be there to remind them to use their pencil  grip, recheck their descender letter placement or simply to place on a selected paper that you want the student to review. SUCCEED! Handwriting Success! Quicker Results! Students/Clients are involved in the scoring process throughout which gives them immediate feedback and ownership of their improvements providing pride that you can see as they look up from a paper that they are excited to share.
Poster Session AOTA Conference Salt Lake City, April 2018
Handwriting Calculator
Log In provided with purchase